Episode 3. Did You Know? Dieting Causes Weight Gain



hey it's Carrie and Ashley we welcome you to the self-care Cafe we are both health professionals and moms and nature lovers and food lovers and love helping women get over dieting and just start living we think that talking about bodies and perfect bodies and dieting is just oh boring sleep there Carrie so if you are ready to Dish dye anything and get to living and talk about more important things than you are in the right place we don't put shame and guilt on the menu here we don't even have to tip us nope come hang with us the advice is free we

want to have a bunch of girlfriends to just hang out with and get real with and

it's time to start living ladies thank you

hey Carrie hey Ashley how you doing good how are you I'm doing great

what do you want to talk about today well last week we talked a little bit

about diets and dieting and so I thought maybe we could talk a little bit about

um kind of the ramifications of dieting a little bit I think a lot of us already

sort of know it but it's so normalized that we don't really

realize how much it really messes up our bodies yeah and we're it comes at us from all

directions right on the TV and on social media and at our doctor's offices and our friends and family and right it's uh

yeah it's everywhere um and it's so easy to just okay fine I'll give in to it

um but we are here to offer you support and tell you that

there is a better way and um if you listen to last week's we got into intuitive intuitive eating and what

that is um and now we want to get into a little bit more like what is a diet right because like we mentioned that so

many programs now so many diets are they kind of they go behind this facade of a

lifestyle program or a wellness program um when really they're just diets in disguise

for sure and some are more forthcoming than others definitely and we'll I think we have an episode planned about that

too like what to look for um but yeah so what is a diet

that's a big question but yeah I think of a diet well first of all

let's back up a second so as a registered dietitian I talk about quote-unquote like what does your diet

look like and I think of the word diet as a completely different like

definition of how most people think about the word diet so my idea of diet

is like what are you including in your day-to-day nutrition like that's my idea

of what is it probably the original definition of it right which is why you

have the word diet in your title dietitian yeah unfortunately it has been changed to

mean what following plans following rules following lots of different things so

like from a diet standpoint the point of a diet usually is to have what we like

to call intentional weight loss so losing weight on purpose for whatever reason you're shooting for a lot of

times it's for the idea that losing weight will be better for our health or

maybe um we're having a bad body day or week or year and we want to be able to fit

into different clothes or the list can go on and on but that's sort of the idea of intentional weight loss and we talk a

lot about that as opposed to weight loss that might just happen naturally for your body

um because our body sort of likes to hang out where it likes to hang out as far as weight and size goes so if we ate

intuitively and we moved our bodies in ways that felt good to us and again we'll talk more about joyful movement

and intuitive movement and fitness and other episodes but if we're kind of

living our best life not dieting for intentional weight loss our body tends to find what we like to call our natural

weight and it may or may not be the weight that we have pre thought about in our brains

or what the BMI scale might say again another episode on that for another day but it's just kind of like where a body

likes to hang out it's kind of the same idea set point Theory where our body has this natural range

um of where it's comfortable right because really if we think about our bodies Our caveman brain or our brain

stem is really the one in charge um and we don't talk a lot about that

and so when we start embarking on this intentional weight loss Journey again for whatever reason you might be doing

that for we tend to turn towards diets and diets in this sense are things that

are going to tell you what when how much what types how to cook different things

of different meals or Foods right right right I like to think of um the

the natural way is my body's happy place it's like it's it's where I feel strong

and I feel good in my body um and again like we've said before it's

not that we don't have those days um I had it was two days ago I had one of those days I'm like oh I just feel so

you know I stop myself it's like okay well what have I done differently what

have I eaten foods that I know bloat me up you know make give me a lot of gas and kind of drain my energy

um so it's and that's all part of the intuitive eating process and even if you don't have anything like that our bodies

just change and our culture would have us believe that it should never change from when we're 16 to when we're 45 like

that just doesn't make any sense at all but that's all that's the messaging that we're pushed every day every minute

almost depending on how much Media or you know even co-workers or providers

like we talked about it comes from all Ang right right yeah I remember

um saying someone something um two this was years ago I think we had

eaten a white pizza for the first time you know with the white um sauce um cheesy white sauce and

um oh no no I couldn't eat that that's got too much fat in it I'm like girl you are missing out

you know and like is one slice gonna really hurt you um so it's it's um yeah just those

messages that I don't know I can't eat that I can't I can't can't but then

we this is a good segue into that that diet cycle without re the Restriction

mindset so when you restrict and you no matter what it is too so

let's let's just touch on that for a second like we can restrict calories we can restrict food groups we can restrict

times of eating I'm looking at you intermittent fasting um we can restrict macros we can

restrict certain foods or entire food groups or anything like anytime you're

purposely avoiding something your body figures that out and Carrie

what happens when I tell you you can't do something I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it

this out yet like we all know when we get told we can't do something we're going to want to do it but why haven't we clicked that hey when we say this

about food this is what happens and I feel like we've all had that thought

but we just don't know what else to do yeah with all our little inner child

kicks in right where we become like toddlers when you tell what happens when

you tell a toddler go touch that what's the first thing they do they touch it there was remember the the study um with

it was it m Ms and the toddlers they were told they could eat them they just couldn't eat a certain color the red

ones it was the red ones and um what's the first thing they went for the red M

M's yeah because it's just like our brains don't like to be restricted and

told no now obviously there are things that uh of course we need for our own

safety and right but food is something you have to eat to live exactly we

wouldn't be here if we didn't correct so that is different from you

know don't touch that hot burner um food is something you have to have

um in order to continue to live on this Earth exactly so and that's why it tastes so good too

like if we I like to talk about this and I'll just make it short today but let me talk about more another day if you

didn't taste good to us we wouldn't be here because we wouldn't eat it if it didn't give us

that like pleasure or that reward we wouldn't have done it as cavemen

so we wouldn't be here today and I think that people get nervous about how good food tastes sometimes it's scary because

if it tastes really good then it probably isn't quote unquote healthy for me but we need all sorts of

nutrition we need all sorts of energy we need a lot of calories and our body is

constantly burning calories another word for calories is energy and our body has so many functions it

needs to do every single second every minute every day and even if we were just to sleep or you know if for some

reason we are in like a coma or a medically induced coma or anything like that so we're just laying there

literally just laying there for 24 hours we most of us would need at least a

thousand calories if not more just to do everything our body needs to do on a

second to Second minute to minute basis it just laid there yeah and do nothing

um which is crazy because so many diets what do they cut you down to 1200

calories yeah yeah that is that it's nuts because that's only 200 calories more or less than that then you need if

you were just sat around and then you would wonder why it was so low in energy and we're and we're cranky and irritable

and short-term yes like yeah oh my goodness yeah it's just

like so learning to nourish your body is just so important

um so if we but when we fall into that diet cycle the first thing that we do is start

restricting right it's and we're trying to quiet that little inner Rebel child in us like we write to to get to get

what we want and when you restrict calories one of the first things that you lose isn't necessarily fat it's your

muscle and you start to lose bone and so those are not great things

um to start losing um especially on with rapid excuse me rapid weight loss

you really start losing it because your body's looking for something to draw

from right it needs that fuel right that's what food is it's Fuel and if we're not giving it fuel from food it

has to take it from somewhere and like Kerry said a lot of us would believe that the first place our body likes to

take it from is body fat but that's not because that is a little bit harder to convert

to energy for our body to be able to use and muscle is so much easier so usually

we our body's preferences on energy is

straight from food carbohydrates right that's a big first one it likes our body basically runs on carbohydrates and

we'll talk way more about that another time but then it turns to like protein or muscle and then finally like the

third and backup Source if we have to do it our body will use fat so losing

our muscle and losing our bone and losing a lot of other things that happen

in the process of intentional weight loss really ends up tanking our metabolic rate which is basically the

rate at which we burn calories it's a lot more to it than that but we don't

want to get too technical on on you um but really it slows down so that means that

when our metabolism is slowing down we then need less energy or calories per

day again that's why a lot of us hit that like plateau of weight loss

because we're still eating the same amount of calories on our diet or restriction plan or whatever we might be doing but our body has slowed down

enough to be like oh that's all we need right right it's kind of like a wood

stove or a thermostat exactly yeah so if you if you want to burn the fire

at a lower heat you don't feed it as much wood or you feed it wetwood you know you know

not dry nice dry wood um if you want to keep that fire going at a hotter

rate then you feed it more dry wood that's a great example yeah

um so it it's your body works kind of the same way like your food is fuel for

for your body and your muscle and your bones that's it's living

working tissue yep yes tissue thank you green grass there

um but so when you start losing it then it's like your body's like oh okay well we can slow things down because we don't

have much we have that we have to feed right and it doesn't know the difference between hey we're doing this on purpose

and we're starving to death in caveman days it has no idea so it's trying to

preserve us right so our bodies are great at keeping us alive kind of like what we talked about earlier and so it

has so many mechanisms in place to be able to Keep Us Alive almost no matter what and so once it senses that

restriction this is why it does all these things to help preserve life

right so it slows your metabolism down so that you don't lose as much fat so that when it if it if it gets that point

where it needs to start drying on it it can versus if it's burning at a higher

rate when it doesn't need to you would use those resources in your body up a

lot faster and consequently die sooner so or get sick sooner so you're I mean

your body's amazing at figuring out I mean it again like Ashley said it

doesn't know why it just knows what's going on inside of it

um so it it responds the same either way and then some other things that happen

and again I think most of us have experienced these thoughts and feelings when we're dieting or restriction or

restricting but we don't necessarily realize that it's like part of our body's process and so we definitely

wanted to break down like the science and the nutrition and the fizzy Theology of it to say hey this is normal if

you're experiencing this this is your body doing this on purpose and we can't really avoid it

again it's trying to preserve our life for us so other things that happen when we start restricting our our body also

increases hunger signals right so the signals that tell us we're hungry those

tend to go up we also think about food a lot hello

knocking at your door hello like you're we're not getting enough energy here go

find us some food right and so that's what where those Cravings come in so if we're on a diet and we

can't have something maybe we're craving that particular food or maybe we're craving something else and that's

exactly where those Cravings come from it's your body's way of being like hey we need some energy and a lot of times

the Cravings are high fat maybe or high sugar or high calorie because those are

the fuels that our body needs and wants in that moment because fat has a lot of energy

carbohydrates and high sugar foods have a lot of quick energy to get our blood sugar back up and kind of get things

moving again like like lighter fluid on that fire Carrie was talking about that's what carbohydrates and sugar does

it gives us that quick burning fuel and that's what our body's thinking it needs right if we're restricting and oh my

gosh we're starving and oh my gosh we might die let's get some quick energy to get the ball rolling again

right yeah and it does the same whether you know if you're restricting low on energy or if you're exhausted so you're

not sleeping well not getting enough quality sleep um and you find yourself craving those

simple sugars and and snacky type foods it's because your brain is just tired

it's like I need some energy and what is the only fuel your brain uses is glucose which you get from

carbohydrates um so you know and so often that falls into I just I don't have the willpower

to do it I just know there's actually a physiological reason why you are craving these Foods

and yeah you're trying to fight your survival brains yeah never gonna happen

war going inside your body for sure and then the Cravings get so

high and so strong that of course we're gonna give in to them at some

point right like we can't fight that like Harry just said our body's gonna

take over and we're gonna be shoving stuff in our mouth and we might not even realize we're doing it because our

body's just so strongly saying we need fuel feed us or we're gonna die

um and so we tend to pick again those high calorie high sugar options sometimes or high fat maybe or kind of

whatever's laying around um and that's definitely where we can get into like our eyes were bigger than

our stomachs and eat way more than we intended to and when that happens

usually if we're doing it over a period of a few days or weeks or whatever you know that may be like eating in secret because I'm supposed to be on my diet

um or like little binge eating episodes or anything like that we tend to gain

fat really fast from that because our body is like oh finally we got some fuel and I don't know if we're gonna be

starving again tomorrow so we better hold on to all of that right and I'll

add when that happens you're also end up being enveloped in

shame and guilt and just so it's not just a physical

thing now it comes to your core right to your self-worth it's like I'm a failure

um I failed again I'm so stupid why don't I have any willpower what's wrong with me and so all that stuff starts

coming up back up to the surface because when you were restricting and like yep I got this I can do this you felt strong

in some level um and like you were successful um and succeeding and then all of a

sudden all that comes crashing down and so and it just brings all those all your

limiting beliefs and all the yuck that you maybe push down with the diet comes

right back up to the surface um and that's you know the the crappy

part about it too is that it's not just regaining that weight it's all those

feelings about yourself that come with it right and again if we're gaining fat

which might not necessarily equate to gaining weight everybody's bodies work a little bit differently but when we're

doing the fat kind of I don't know what's the word like I want

to hold on to all this fat that our body's doing we are also lowering our metabolism

again and even more right because Carrie mentioned bone and muscle are more like living tissue so they're using energy

whereas fat it just kind of hangs out on our body and takes up room it's very important obviously we wouldn't have it

if it wasn't because again our body is thinking oh we might need this Sam as our backup fuel so let's gain as much as

we can but again go ahead no it's okay well like Ashley was saying too like

you're it may or may not show up on the scale because what happens is when you lose bone and muscle

so as far as volume wise I always I always compare like fat think of like

soap suds and muscle and bone think of like a bar of soap so if you take the

same weight that you know Weight Wise it's going to take a lot more Suds to equal the same amount of muscle and bone

but when you're losing that muscle and bone you're losing weight on the scale right

and then if you gain if you're gaining fat because fat is kind of a a little

lighter like it's not light lighter volume wise right like a pound of fat is the same as a pound of muscle they're

both a pound but volume Wise It's got more space basically yes yes thank you

Ashley's my dictionary sometimes we believe back and forth

so then what happens Ashley like after you like oh my gosh I blew it I feel so

oh I just I suck yeah well so a couple different things a lot of times we

either continue with the like quote-unquote overeating or binge eating or like I blew it so I might as well

just like eat through my entire train I'm Gonna Keep On exactly

um and that might be the same day it might be the next couple days like everybody's story is different but at

some point we either keep going with that or we do that and or maybe we

switch right to this we restrict maybe more we'll say oh tomorrow will be better or Monday will be better or

whatever and then we just try harder the next day maybe we should restrict our calories more or we eat try to eat less

the next day to quote unquote make up for they basically punish yourself exactly

exactly yeah yeah and so

is this a sustainable way to do food no of course no and honestly what a

horrible sucky way to live I mean oh let's face it like but so many of us do it right we we do this and it's

just this constant cycle of oh success fail success fail right and around

something that we all have to do to live and to be healthy

um and it just it's awful that so many of us

fall into this cycle um but again as we always said we are

not knocking you if you are currently dieting or you're thinking about going on your next diet like we've all been

there and um we're we're not knocking you at all we're just offering a

different way right and in a way to think about it in a more factual sense too because again we all

have the lived experience of doing this there's a reason for it and sometimes

understanding why our body does what it does and realizing it's not your fault right because oh this is such a great

point we think we failed the diet right because we couldn't do it we didn't have

the willpower we didn't get the results that whatever promised us

um it's our fault is that wrong yep you did something wrong exactly and that

wrecks us like it totally erodes our self-trust our body trust our self-worth

all of it confidence and what do most of us do maybe we go quote-unquote off plan

for a while and do whatever but most of us come back like I can't remember the

exact statistic but most people are doing a couple different diets a year

for their whole lives that's a lot of times to do it and you

know one other quick thing to mention before we get into the next piece is if we had a microwave that we bought from

like a department store or something and that didn't work what would we do with it we bring it back and get our money back

it's not our fault the microwave didn't work but because the diet didn't work it

didn't give us the results that we thought we were supposed to have we internalized that blame shame guilt and

it's our fault right right yeah and they and think about the

advertising the commercials they make it look so sexy and appealing and easy like

this is easy all you have to do is follow our plan um your food will show up at your door

or you know here's all your tips on you know the food to get and how much of it

to eat and they make it look like it's so easy just work hard at it and you'll

lose weight and first of all that's not even true for a lot of us no like and

the calories in calories out thing like that our bodies are not machines

they are but they're not like that they're not like these not a black and white

um kind of you know feet at this you get this out the other end um yeah and

there's something else I was just gonna say and I forgot um I'll keep going with what I was gonna

say yeah sorry I interrupt no that's okay we interrupt each other but they're all great points um I was just gonna say

that you know over time and as we get older and we're doing different diets a lot of people find

um that they have to lower the calories if that's the type of restriction they're doing more each time to get the

same weight like weight loss results or whatever um not to mention that every time you do

this cycle this weight loss weight gain or what you might call yo-yo dieting I

call it weight cycling so if you ever hear me say weight cycling I'm talking about yo-yo dieting where tanking our metabolism remember

twice in one cycle and so the more times you do it your metabolism is so much lower so it makes

sense that the more you dye it off and on the lower your metabolism is which means

the less calories you need and there's actually been a lot of research done on The Biggest Loser contestants right so

they lose a lot of weight really fast and what they found was

their base metabolism like calorie needs I can't remember the exact numbers but

when they started the show it was X let's just say and after the show and six months later it

was much lower than that yeah which means that they don't need as

much food to do the things their bodies need to do which is something to think about

yeah and it doesn't mean they're gonna have more energy and

um essentially the way I see dieting is basically if you die if you dieting trains your body

to not need less food not eat right you're

basically training your body to need less which on the surface might sound okay

but if you then go back to eating a quote-unquote normal amount of calories what happens

is it'll just store the extra so you're training it to need less so

then when you want to eat what your hunger is telling you you need then it stores the extra

um an example I um I when I was first out of college

um the only job I could find was at a hospital um this was like

I don't even want to say how many years ago 5 30 35 years ago anyway

um um was at a local hospital excuse me

uh it was called HMR program it was a medically supervised liquid diet and I I

was just about ready I know right well I didn't either um I was waiting for the cardiac rehab

position to open which it did three months later thankfully but um I was sort of the I was just more the

clerical person for IT um and but one day one of the

participants came in she had reached her uh goal weight and she came in with a

friend who didn't dye it she just was um she had

habits that you know which she was just she like she

exercised regularly she cut from what I could tell basically practiced intuitive eating probably not knowing that at the

time um but you know just ate what she felt her body needed um and just had those kinds of health

habits and they came in and they wanted me to measure their body fat

um and so I did and the

the woman who had not dieted was just in a healthy normal range for her

um for being you know a woman at her age and stuff and then the participant

according to the charts on the body fat charts on the you know body fat percentage she was quote unquote still

in the obese category and the reason why is because she lost

and especially with a liquid diet it is so cool the weight loss is so quick

she lost so much muscle and unhealthy for everyone listening that's not a great way to do it no not at all because

then she probably when she started eating normal again probably gained

the weight bat I don't know I left the program so um but that is our point is that you

lose all that so she lost because your body fat percentage is a ratio of your

your fat tissue to your lean tissue the lean tissue includes bone and muscle

so it's that ratio so if you are losing more muscle and bone

than your all right there's a term in our industry called skinny fat I don't

always like to bring these things up because but the point I think it makes a point is that you can lose

weight on the scale but what's actually happened in your body is probably not what you actually

wanted to happen right exactly so

um you know she was obviously super discouraged like why did I just go through this program to for that

um so I that was just to make the point of um how we can lose so much uh what we

want to keep and not necessarily lose what we say we want to lose right so if

we even lose weight at all right like right there's no guarantee and calories in and calories out is kind of where we

started with it but it comes back to it because that's not how our bodies work at all

and even if you're restricting a lot I'm not going to say low numbers because I don't

want anyone to do it but if you're restricting a lot you might not even lose weight and like

Carrie said if you do this these are the things that are happening in your body and so none of it is healthy right our

body is basically Running on Fumes and not very well and we're probably going to feel awful

and that's no way to be to be let alone striving for

you know health or your ideal Health whatever that might look like for you and your body

um it's just not sustainable so you know there's the statistic that we talk about

a lot where 95 of diets fail or if 95 of

people that dieted they don't have the weight loss over

what five years right carry three to five years so we might that's where research really

is crummy about weight loss because a lot of research studies like to do the

study for a short period of time May a year maybe is probably one of the longest ones I've seen But like a month

to six weeks maybe a few months their definition of long-term weight loss is

very different from reality I mean what real people consider long-term weight loss exactly long term it might be six

months for this you know right and I think it's important too that over time like you had mentioned Ashley the idea

of your ideal Health um is that sometimes we have to change that vision of what that is too right

um and take it away more from what our bodies look like to more what can our

body do does it does our body support the lifestyle I want to live

and if it doesn't what do I need to do to support my body right so that an in turn can support my lifestyle and that

includes things like taking medications or making adjustments for yourself and

like I said I said it your ideal health because you know the picture perfect idea of

help might not be achievable for everybody because of genetics because of so many other things and again we'll

talk more about this another time but it's all about like Carrie was saying like what can we do to support ourselves

the best that we can without costing ourselves things also so

we might think we need to you know go on a really low calorie meal plan to lose

weight to be XYZ goal but in reality that's costing us

a lot of different things like we talked about our mental health our relationship with food our relationship with our body

um we're probably tanking our metabolism all those things are a cost to

um pursuing intentional weight loss right and the whole point of the episode

is to talk about in reality with that 95 statistic in three to five

years people have gained their weight back and more yeah two-thirds of people that

have had weight loss success in the beginning end up gaining more weight back than they lost

so that means that dieting is a predictor of weight gain

that I that kind of blows my well the first time I heard that I'm like what and then right so think about that so

dieting if you go on a diet you are basically predicting that you're

going to gain the weight back and usually and then and more and that's where that yo-yo dieting idea comes from

that you lose the weight because diets is if you're trying to lose weight

regardless of where that weight's coming from most or many diets they do work

right like you lose the weight but the question then is how do you sustain that

and the question you know like through the years the number of women I'm like just help me lose these last 10 pounds

and my response to them is always is it going to be worth what you have to do to lose those last 10 pounds is it

going to really be worth it to you what because maybe your body's saying nope

I'm good right here this is where I'm happy um and of course

we also which we haven't mentioned yet is get off the scale but and then what at what point is it

like oh let's lose these last 10 pounds and then when we do it oh what about the next 10 pounds right like we have always

wanting kind of situation yes and that's kind of you know when I fell into anorexia is sort of partly what happened

there's a lot more to it of course but um part of it was it was uh the summer

between my Junior and senior year in high school had started training for field hockey and I just you know with

all the running and stuff just dropped five pounds and um people started saying oh you look

really good you know um and so in my mind I'm like oh well if I look good drop in five pounds maybe

I'll look better if I drop another five you know until it eventually was became goals to oh I want to get to double

digits oh I you know like um so that is also another reason why we

caution against uh commenting on people's weights

um if they've lost weight uh for one thing you don't know the reason behind why they're losing whether it's maybe

they do have an eating disorder uh maybe they're going through Cancer Treatments maybe they've been sick in some other

way um or it also just might maybe they're not in the throes of an eating disorder

right now but encouraging that yeah you might be encouraging them to

continue to lose weight and then they find themselves they are going too far um so you know

hey you look really happy today you have such a lovely smile something like that

is different from how you look great you lost some weight it also implies that they didn't look so

good before okay that's all we talk about and again we'll talk a lot about this another time too but if that's all

we talk about with people is their appearance it's only reinforcing this whole idea of diet culture that our

appearance is the most valuable and interesting thing about us right and how awful is that you know how

boring I'm gonna use that word boring it's like there's so many other great things that we could talk about than

that and um so we will challenge you

one start noticing how often you complement people's appearance yeah

right it's hard I've very I've been practicing not doing it for a long time

and it's really the first thing that pops up into my brain every single time and I'm like nope that's not what I'm

going to say and then I was like okay well maybe I can comment on like their outfit or their hair or something and I'm like

still that's the same thing almost and so it's really hard to come out of any of that especially if you don't know

people very well um but a simple like it's really great to see you or meet you or whatever

is just so much better than anything about their appearance yeah I mean I

don't I don't mind um complimenting someone's outfit it's a cute outfit

you know um or you you look glowy and you're glowing today you know what's going on

in your life right so you know something like that um but

yeah being careful about complimenting people's bodies um and what they look like

is a good challenge to start noticing when how often you're doing that

definitely awesome anything else you we want to add I think I think the bottom line like we

said is that dieting is a predictor of weight gain because of all the things

that happen in your body when we start restricting from a physiological standpoint it's not your fault

definitely not yeah it's really hard to avoid again we'll

talk about how I hate to throw providers under the bus in healthcare but they definitely keep

the fire burning with this um it's not their fault either we all kind of swim in the diet culture world and

think that losing weight is healthier but again it probably isn't because of all the

things that happen when you are pursuing the intentional weight loss and what happens like mentally physically

emotionally all of it right yeah it's not just a physical thing um and you know we would challenge you

to sort of be a Trailblazer in your circle um if you're surrounded you know we sort

of tend to go with people right so a lot of people on our Circle are kind of doing the same thing oh what diet are

you doing now you really need to try something for sure yeah so being a Trailblazer and

um uh leading the way because maybe they need a leader right to help them and

maybe you can be the first one yep and send them our you know send them to our podcast or other resources it's it's

sometimes hard because I feel like there's a very small group of people talking about these things and the rest

of the world is talking about other things and it blows my mind every time because there's so much research showing

us that this is what happens and yet we still pursue the thoughts about weight

loss or the intentional weight loss right yeah it's tricky because it's it's

not like a a black and white like hey this is definitely you know there's a some blurring where people they think

they're not like you know you've mentioned Ashley that they think they're not dieting they're still carrying that

mentality and they're still engaging in certain uh diet culture

things yeah thoughts beliefs yes thank you my dictionary [Laughter]

oh awesome well we have a lot more we can say on this

topic that's right but we'll let you process it so let us know your thoughts uh shoot us a message let us know um what else you'd like to talk about if you have any questions we would love to answer those um we just we want to make sure that this is understandable sometimes we because we but in it so long we we just we want to know where you're coming from with it and what you have more questions about um what you need explained a little bit  differently so let us know yeah thank you for listening thank you love you latte see you next time [Music]

Ashley Wentworth

Ashley is a Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Therapist & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor practicing non-diet nutrition and intuitive eating. She is a Health At Every Size© aligned practitioner and specializes in helping people transform their relationships with food and their bodies.

Ashley has over 10 years of nutrition experience and has worked in many different areas in the nutrition field such as clinical nutrition in hospitals and nursing homes, community health programs, and foodservice. Ashley understands that diets don’t work and how damaging they can be to our physical, mental, and emotional health.

“I believe in size diversity, body inclusivity, intuitive eating, and enjoying food. I am passionate about helping women start their journey toward freedom from dieting and weight cycling.” -Ashley


Episode 2. Getting Real About Intuitive Eating